Programs Strength Training For Women

One of the basic principles of bodybuilding and strength training is that if you overload the muscles, increases the size. This applies to both men and women. Because women have less testosterone and more estrogen than men, building muscle mass is more of a challenge. Estrogen causes women to have more body fat than men, so you have to focus on fat burning exercises, and providing sufficient intensity exercise. Ask your health care provider before a new exercise program.

Programs Strength Training for Women

Bodybuilding workout routines for women


If you are just starting strength training, exercise all major muscle groups three days a week. Make two of the eight to twelve repetitions of each exercise. Give yourself 24-48 hours of rest between workouts of strength training. An example of a beginner should be used routinely bench press, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, calf raises, bicep curls, triceps press low, leg press, leg extension, leg curl and ab crunches. Perform the exercise is to use the machines because they are safer and easier to use than free weights. Promotes fat burning, running out 30-45 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise on days you do strength training. Treat yourself to a day of complete rest. Examples of aerobic exercises small and medium enterprises are brisk walking, stationary cycling, jogging and water aerobics.

Split Routine

A split routine is a way to increase the intensity of their workouts by training groups of muscles on different days of the week. For example, on Mondays and Thursdays, to train your legs, back and biceps. Tuesday and Friday, to concentrate on his shoulders, chest and triceps. Includes two or three exercises per muscle group. You must complete a minimum of three sets of 8 to 12 reps per exercise. Use most of your routine weight divided, as they develop both muscle strength and stabilizing muscles. Promote fat burning low-performing moderate aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes on days that are not strength training, and the days that do not train their legs. Enjoy a full day of rest.

Circuit Weight Training
A circuit includes exercise stations, which exercises different muscle groups. The stations consist of exercises with free weights, exercise equipment or a combination of both. You must complete a series of repetitions at each station, and proceed to the next station with only a limited amount of rest. According to, the purpose of circuit training with weights is to keep your heart rate elevated for fat burning. A circuit is completed when performing a set at each station. However, you will burn more fat, completing more than one circuit.

Super Set

Games are another great way to intensify your worakout, "said A super game is to run a set of one muscle group, then do a series on a second muscle group without rest. For example, a super set is a set of bicep curls and a set of triceps press down. Super games can be used on all current, which includes more exercises per muscle group. In addition, a workout set consists of super sets.


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