Wonderful Lovely Short Lady Hairstyles

The one thing that has a constant design is the hair-styles for hair. Different types and measures of hair require different designs for them. It’s actually simple to pick up any awesome and stylish hair style for lengthy hair but as we come to brief hair, the choice disappears and it becomes a little knotty to decide on a perfect hair style for those ladies or women who have brief hair. In this post, you will come to know about different lovely hairstyles for brief hair, lovely hairstyle designs and about brief hair style how to. Even if the hair are brief, they can be wavy or directly, dense or slim etc. Here you will also come to know about lovely hairstyles for brief hair and brief hair for hair and many more.
So here are some lovely hair-styles for brief haired ladies. These are apt for those who want to look lovely with their brief hair. The first hairstyle that comes under the type of lovely hairstyle designs is the “short directly cut”. Short directly cut is a very sleek and professional type of hairstyle. This hairstyle can be seen on lots of The show biz industry individualities and superstars. Short directly cut delivers you a stylish as well as stylish look. It matches both official and casual events. The benefit is that you don’t need to do much if your hair are already directly.

The second lovely hairstyle designs are the “inverted bob”. It’s amazing and lovely hair-styles for brief haired ladies because it just has an excellent overall look. This single hair style can take your character to the next level. Once again, it is also an simple hairstyle to get for brief hair. It is among one of the most well-known lovely hairstyle designs. Upside down bob has some sort of lengthy hair near the front face cut and brief hair behind the throat. This look is often used by designer designs and it does not create you fold to the components. Even without ear-rings, this hair cut is very lovely and wonderful.

“Layered blade cut” are the best lovely brief lady hair-styles. As the name indicates, this hair style has levels. And levels are certainly lovely. This hair style is used for lengthy hair also, but mostly for brief haired ladies. This hairstyle is lovely brief lady hair-styles and any lady can have it. In this hair style, the levels of hair are made and the sides are cut very perfectly. The advantage of each part highlights and the hair style becomes awesome. This is about padded blade cut brief hair style how to. It’s very simple to do, just get your brief hair directly and then this hair cut. You can have padded blade cut along with some movies on the temple. It matches usually events and modelling atmosphere. For a official event, they are a little much.

And now we have got some lovely hairstyles for brief hair. These hairstyles are exclusively contacted by those who have brief hair. The first one under this group is “short waves”. It is a very quick and fast hair style to do. If your hair are brief to such an level that they can be curled, then it’s the best hair style to do. The brief surf cut are such a type of hairstyle that is lovely hairstyles for brief hair. Now the question occurs that brief hair style how to. In this hairstyle, the brief hair are surf. The styling begins from top or you can say center of the go. You can have the end of the surf as you desire. The surf can be combined inside or started out outside as you wish. Smooth surf are best to have as they don’t create your go look heavy and they

provide a soft look of category and elegance. It is one of the best brief hair for hair.
Another lovely hairstyle designs are the “curled out bob”. It is one the best lovely hair-styles for brief haired ladies. It is a brief hair for hair. If your hair are a little bit wavy then it is best hairstyle to go for. In this cut, the primary hair style is the bob cut and then it is decorated with surf out. For ladies with small encounters, it is the lovely brief lady hair-styles look. This hairstyle is followed by many superstars for special events of their life. It is also classified for brief hair for hair.

“Messy pixie cut” hair style is a primary type of hairstyle for those who have brief length hair as well as it is one of the top lovely hairstyle designs for not only directly hair but it is also a lovely hairstyles for brief hair. The brief hair style how to for this cut is as follows. It is on the whole a pixie cut. The difference is that it is not directly neither it has a ongoing and sleek design. As it comes from the name, it is unpleasant and shows a lively and active type of characteristics.

The next one that we have is “short field haircut”. It is the best lovely hair-styles for brief haired ladies. This hair style gives you an psychological look. With this hair style, you can color your hair from the side hair or even in the mid areas the hair. Short field hairstyle is a lovely brief lady hair-styles and it’s for those ladies

who have big sight as this hair cut may cover a little bit of their sight but it’s very attractive.
The best, most well-known and lovely hair-styles for brief haired ladies are all described above. These hair-styles are convenient to carry as they preserve your time and simple to get as they reduce costs.

Health Tips For Working Women

Today, women have become much more demanding than before. They have made remarkable progress in various sectors. Working class women not only take care of their responsibilities in their offices, but also check their home. Throughout the day, she is always busy working, taking care of her children, cooking, cleaning and other activities. Management of all these things together with the directions are pretty painful right time and leaves no time to pay for itself.

adequate health care is essential for us all, especially for women. It is the responsibility of every woman to take a moment to herself every day. It is also important for them to make a conscious effort to maintain a healthy body and mind. This will help you stay healthy longer and improve their resistration power.

Useful tips for working women

. Eat a healthy diet rich in calcium, vitamins

. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices dry

. Try to make regular exercise an hour a day to control stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, etc.

. Do not skip meals due to work pressure

5. Give your body adequate rest and sleep at least 7-8 hours

Diet plays an important role in keeping fit and healthy. Having a diet of high nutritional value and fewer calories. If a woman is aware of their own health, you can easily take proper care for the health of family members for their improvement

Fitness tips for women 40 years

fitness tips for women over 40 years

Walking. Nosta. Stretch. Siirrä. Nama yksinkertaiset Kunt perustaa ohjata Yli 40 vuotta void that Naine näyttää vuotta nuorempi (ja ei ikänsä).

After 40 years, women are more prone to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis and obesity. They are also more likely to lose muscle mass and bone density. Exercise helps to reduce the health consequences of the natural aging process of your body. See also our article "Decrease in arterial pressure, tips on reducing stress" and "Black tea may help fight diabetes."

Vain 4 (tai enemmän) Kunto liikuntaa 30 minuuttia viikossa riittää vähentää riskier sairastua näihin sairauksiin, jotka uhkaavat vähentää merkittävästi elämänlaatua. Tama Vauhti kuntoiluun kasvattaa tasolle "Hyvä" kolesterol, vähentää teidän Mara "paha" kolesterol, sails parantaa immuunijärjestelmää, polttaa huono rasvaa, rakentaa liha terv, oon teidän ei-toivottuja Kilwa ja enemmän TEHD sinulle säteilevä. Katso artikkeleita rheumatism "kolesterolia kolesterolin alentaminen 8 vinkkejä yes rasvaa polttaa:. vinkkejä yes harjoituksia polttaa rasvaa"

When you go through menopause, fitness can reduce the symptoms of hot flashes, joint pain, mood swings, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Also read our article "10 dietary guidelines for living well with menopause.

Rester en bonne après 40 ans fitness produit des effets positifs sur tous les Systèmes de l'physiologiques d'une femme body.

1) Make an aerobic (cardiovascular)

Take A fast walk, you're jogging, rotation, step, dance, etc. You're spoiled for you choice. Your Heart beats faster, your blood vessels dilate see, You Fourniret more oxygen to your muscles to get rid of toxins (Lire aussi Our article "Detox Tip: How to pay detoxify your body"). Your brain releases endorphins (chemicals that enhance your sense of humor). You burn calories and fat.

2) Makes Weight

Lift weights to build muscle and strength, increase bone density, improve posture, reduce the risk of injury to his lower back and tone your arms. Did you know that building muscle can increase metabolic rate at least 15%? Your metabolism is faster will burn more calories per day (read our article "Metabolism: 8 things to know about your consolidation").

Do not be afraid to be too bulky with weight training, you're just tone your body.

3) Udstrækning

The practice of yoga or Pilates to improve flexibility, body strength and balance. Stretching also helps to keep joints in the range of motion.

Even small amounts of exercise fitness the rescuer to Improving Your Health. Bring bags of fruit with you legumen office or at school, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking your car further away, they and destination Your walk the remaining distance on foot back to the foot of the supermarkets, etc. All these small benefits accumulate chooses may. But before they start exercising UN filing a routine form, Talk to your doctor about the factors of risk which you are already predisposed.

Obviously, you need to eat healthily too. Drink enough water (1.5 liters of water per day if possible, regularly). Eat several small meals a day (instead of three large traditional meal) to increase your metabolism (see also our "increase metabolism, metabolize more to lose weight" section). And follow a healthy diet for the heart that is filled with foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C and E and selenium and zinc.

Women Fitness Tips

Women of all fitness levels can benefit from the addition of a few helpful hints to his plan to improve your overall health.

Start small. When you have a lot of changes, can be overwhelming and the best way is to choose one or two changes to be done first, and then they grow to the changes that you feel. For many women, the first advice is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. This suggestion is a bit 'of long-term benefits and is the foundation of any good fitness program.

Walking distance. Just 30 minutes a day to start seeing changes in your body and your health. To prevent joint and muscle pain, it is important to stretch properly before walking to loosen the body. These sections can be done at a desk or chair, or in a park on a bench to warm up the hamstrings and shoulders.

Choose a hobby assets and find a boyfriend. Swimming, cycling, jogging or brisk walking are all fun and healthy social activities. When combined with a friend keeps you motivated and more help to be more accountable for its exercise. Keep track of fitness can also help if you decide to do your exercises on your own.

Wear comfortable clothing. Nothing can stop a workout faster than bad loose clothing or shoes or discomfort. The type of clothing needed will depend on the activity, but be sure to shop around for something that fits your body, and offer good support as a fully equipped fitness center

A Guide To Santa Fe And Fitness Gyms

It is not difficult to keep in shape in Santa Fe (despite all the good food!). Our land glorious and weather conditions make the city a paradise for walkers different, cyclists, skiers, and rafters. But you should not be the outdoors type to get or keep fit-Santa Fe offers a wide range of gyms and fitness centers for all budgets and locations throughout the city. Whether you are looking for fitness classes, weight training serious, or a fully equipped gym with steam baths and pools, you'll find in Santa Fe

Carl and Sandra Fitness Center (DeVargas Mall, 982 6760.). Santa Fe Other clubs come and go, but Charles and Sandra was apparently still here with the most basic concept: a measure for each client, with modifications, by Carl every six weeks. The objective is to maximize cardiovascular health and weight control weight training, aerobics, and machinery, while keeping tabs on the progress of the client. Carlos, a former coach of the U.S. Olympic team, is resistant to the DCP. Member prices vary and are not cheap, but are more reasonable than having a personal trainer.

Perfect Fit (former Bulldog Gym) located in a warehouse (909 Early Street, 988,5,117 thousand), where the houses were semi-free weights and cardio machines and strength, and pilates equipment. The second half is a large and deep and for a rigorous "boot camp" classes (about $ 10 per hour session) to individual customers, as well as a lot of mats, balls and ribbons. With the exception of Boot Camp classes, this is a personal trainer only 'gym, where prices range from $ 50 to $ 60/hour. Perfect Fit trainers are creative approach to their varied exercise routine to keep fun and lively. It is also noted external spring and summer training. No opening or annual fee.

Programs Strength Training For Women

One of the basic principles of bodybuilding and strength training is that if you overload the muscles, increases the size. This applies to both men and women. Because women have less testosterone and more estrogen than men, building muscle mass is more of a challenge. Estrogen causes women to have more body fat than men, so you have to focus on fat burning exercises, and providing sufficient intensity exercise. Ask your health care provider before a new exercise program.

Programs Strength Training for Women

Bodybuilding workout routines for women


If you are just starting strength training, exercise all major muscle groups three days a week. Make two of the eight to twelve repetitions of each exercise. Give yourself 24-48 hours of rest between workouts of strength training. An example of a beginner should be used routinely bench press, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, calf raises, bicep curls, triceps press low, leg press, leg extension, leg curl and ab crunches. Perform the exercise is to use the machines because they are safer and easier to use than free weights. Promotes fat burning, running out 30-45 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise on days you do strength training. Treat yourself to a day of complete rest. Examples of aerobic exercises small and medium enterprises are brisk walking, stationary cycling, jogging and water aerobics.

Split Routine

A split routine is a way to increase the intensity of their workouts by training groups of muscles on different days of the week. For example, on Mondays and Thursdays, to train your legs, back and biceps. Tuesday and Friday, to concentrate on his shoulders, chest and triceps. Includes two or three exercises per muscle group. You must complete a minimum of three sets of 8 to 12 reps per exercise. Use most of your routine weight divided, as they develop both muscle strength and stabilizing muscles. Promote fat burning low-performing moderate aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes on days that are not strength training, and the days that do not train their legs. Enjoy a full day of rest.

Circuit Weight Training
A circuit includes exercise stations, which exercises different muscle groups. The stations consist of exercises with free weights, exercise equipment or a combination of both. You must complete a series of repetitions at each station, and proceed to the next station with only a limited amount of rest. According to bodybuilding.com, the purpose of circuit training with weights is to keep your heart rate elevated for fat burning. A circuit is completed when performing a set at each station. However, you will burn more fat, completing more than one circuit.

Super Set

Games are another great way to intensify your worakout, "said Bodybuilding.com. A super game is to run a set of one muscle group, then do a series on a second muscle group without rest. For example, a super set is a set of bicep curls and a set of triceps press down. Super games can be used on all current, which includes more exercises per muscle group. In addition, a workout set consists of super sets.

Best Natural Skin Care Tips

The skin is the most beautiful part of our body, especially for women. It 'good that you can treat your skin regularly by management to keep your skin bright and beautiful. Do not abuse your skin does not deal with every day, as the skin may change color and texture is bad, who do not want.

Take care of the skin may be naturally at home doing more important things without having to spend more money. It is good to do instead of going to the spa, salon and a doctor to the skin. Here are some tips natural skin acre and you can make yourself at home:

* Stillwater natural drink
Bars 8 to 12 glasses of water a day will help your skin natural and beautiful. Water is the most important thing that the skin needs to breathe, move and grow new skin and remove dead skin. Water keeps the skin soft, fresh and clean at all times. If you do not have enough water in your body, dry skin that can cause diseases of skin infection or even.

* Welcome drink juice a day

If you are a busy woman in your daily activities, you should put a little time to make your own fresh juice orange juice, carrot, apple juice or even lemonade. There are many recipes juicer, you can go online to create home fresh juices that will keep you healthy and keep your skin beautiful.

* Do not eat too much fat in foods

Eat less fat will keep your body and healthy skin and is highly recommended by many doctors. So try to minimize the consumption of fatty foods, what you can do is try not to eat fatty foods at night.

* Avoid smoking and alcohol use

As you know smokers and drinkers are in a bad state of health of body and skin. Smoking too much can cause cancer, heart and skin wrinkles. The same with the liquor that can cause this disease as well. If you are a smoker or drinker, or both, try to reduce this habit if you want better health in terms of their body and skin.

* Exercise daily

If you want healthy skin, you should do some exercise at least an hour or two a day. The exercise you do depends on your Hoby or routine. Can yoga, fitness, gym and even lttle can do at home. If you have more time, is running much better to keep your body and healthy skin all the time.

These are just a few tips from us that you can do at home to keep your skin healthy. In fact, it's much more you can do to keep skin moisture from a lot of things without the money going to the Salon, a spa, or even a doctor.

See also some natural beauty tips you can do at home too. Is for men or women that will help your kepp you all healthy and beautiful part of your body and soul.

Five Anti Aging Natural Skin Care Tips

Five Natural Anti Aging Skin Care Tips If people tell you that you do not look your age, congratulations. While you may inherit some of these genes youth of your parents, it can also be something to do with the fact that you have made reasonable choices in life that you grew up. However, do not expect miracles continue without some attention from you.

If you were lucky, you may need to burn the midnight oil too much, partying like a rock star, drink, smoke or take a few shortcuts in life, you need to focus a bit 'more!

Here are five tips anti aging natural skin care for all.

1. Have fun!

You may not expect to be the first tip in this list, but many experts and advisers forget. While it is likely that you need to make changes and many of these changes can be seen as not very fun, but by all means to make sure you have a balanced life - not too much work, and very relaxing.

2. Having a purpose in life.

Do you have a hobby or interest, as this work, which takes care of the family or other major? Discover the passion and devote time to it, definitely. It 's amazing how this can contribute to happiness, health and more beautiful skin to boot.

3. Having a regular massage.

A good massage is given to you by a qualified professional, or closer to a loved one can make much difference. It can help release repressed emotions and limitations. When the muscles relax the skin gets a break too.

4. Do not cut fat completely.

Not all fats are unhealthy. Some of them, in fact, are essential. Get healthy skin that kind of fat, which contains olive oil and some fish. These omega 3 fatty acids, salmon can be found, for example, are highly recommended for a healthy looking skin. Too little fat and the skin looks irritated and dry.

5. Cut caffeine.

Okay, we told you to have fun and do not be discouraged if it's probably not surprising that our fifth council introduced a limitation. Caffeine is a diuretic, and alcohol. Too much of one of them and you dehydrate your body. We should all be honest and admit that we do not drink enough water for a given day, if more of your drinks containing caffeine, you're probably making your skin problems as it seeks to rejuvenate itself.

As you can see, to support you and nourish your skin not to be boring, annoying or unwelcome task. You will be amazed at how some of these anti aging natural skin care tips can produce a significant difference. When you combine lifestyle changes with a focus on healthier foods, and some of the best solutions for skin care market, you can continue to enjoy your good looks to the future.

I Want To Lose Weight Of My Breasts


Many women are looking for big breasts, but it's probably just as many who want to reduce them. Having a large breasts can cause back pain due to overweight, pulling your torso forward. Since the breasts are composed mostly of fat, weight loss throughout the body can have a positive impact on the reduction.

Calorie reduction

If you want to lose weight in their breasts, buttocks, thighs or abdomen, which can be promoted by reducing calories. In general, a reduction of 500 to 1000 calories per day can be put in place for 1 to 2 pounds. weight loss per week. To find your initial contribution, track your calories for three days, add the numbers and divide by 3. For example, if you come up with 2200 calories, your input will be new or 1700 1200.


Drink water as your main document will save you the source of calories and fluids helps flush toxins from the system. As an added bonus, is to maintain fluid balance. Drink water instead of sweetened tea, Fruit Punch, soda and other beverages that contain calories. Women should get about 90 ounces water on a daily basis.

Your dining area

Instead of eating a meal and wait for hours before eating again, one meal every two or three hours. This will make your body more efficient at burning calories. The most effective way to burn calories, you can reduce your breasts. Create meals with a balance of protein and complex carbohydrates, and the use of nutrients. A spinach salad with chicken breast and roll is a whole grain food, for example. Make your first meal as soon as you wake up.

Cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is a breast reduction. Cardio is monotonous fashion, and causes a very low calorie expenditure. Since you have large breasts, high-impact exercises such as running is not the best option. Stick something that cause less impact, such as elliptical training, biking, boating and swimming. To lose weight, get 60-90 minutes of activity five days a week. If you have a busy schedule, the exercise of two or three times a day to accumulate over time.


Weight training is another important aspect of breast reduction. Their goal is not to become big and bulky. The goal is to add muscle to your body to increase your resting metabolic rate. Perform full body exercises such as presses, chest, shoulder press, back rows, triceps extensions, biceps and cracks. Instead of slinging heavy use a resistance that will allow you to do 12 to 15 repetitions. Target three or four laps and take a break between breaks. Take short breaks, you can keep your heart rate high and promote a greater caloric expenditure.

Five Tips For Losing Weight Exercises

The exercises are very important for weight loss. Have not developed many diets, but 90% of them require active lifestyle, exercise more and follow the sport. Active people do not receive extra kilos, but sometimes it is very difficult to find a way of life to another without additional support.Many experts now say that no matter what the sport is, the two main factors should bring joy to the participants and exercises that increase heart rate for at least an hour. Playing tennis with friends, take long walks along the park trails, spending time in the pool, lifting weights, or as a result of aerobic exercise for a DVD recording are perfect for losing weight.

It is also normal to do different exercises for a workout or to change them every day. Change in physical activity helps prevent injuries when a group of muscles working. He also does various areas of the body to burn fat at all locations.

So if you plan to exercise and return the lot, here are some tips that really help many people to initiate and monitor the activity of weight loss and fitness:

Sport * almost always requires a partner. We could not intent to play football or basketball, but even simple jog brings more fun when done with a friend, relative or even close. Remember that positive emotions are very important in sport. It is also recommended to have a partner in the case of weak days. Everyone has times when you want to quit or at least pass a test, this is when a couple is the best incentive to get up and go, even on a day much like wind, rain and darkness or the sofa very comfortable being alone.

* Competition is another important factor in sport, and it also requires a partner. If you have a friend who plans to lose weight also keep all the charts and see who does a better job. Sometimes you can find groups of people working on losing weight together. Competition with them excite you to do a better job.

* Make a plan. It works for a number of things: the times are more difficult to abandon, and it is easier to remember the order in which the various functions, if properly set and written.

* Goals are attainable is easier to follow. Perhaps the end result is 10 or 20 pounds, but this is not what it should begin. Think of a pound to begin with. To increase the efficacy or length of the exercises can also be a goal. Success allows you to work towards a larger goal.

* Consider a gift goal. Food should not be one of them, because this is exactly the thing you are trying to reduce. Visit the cinema, buy a flower, or call your friends and spend a whole evening talking.

Black The Best Exercise To Lose Weight Fast

To lose weight, there are several options for the exercises, sports and food in addition to running his diet has some of the best fast weight loss workouts, which in this case required a week to get the right results on the seriousness and diligence in carrying out to use a series of exercises we can do a diet, but there are also simple to use, but can result is good and natural.

People do not walk 2000 day to maintain his physical condition that are healthy for you, which will take the best exercise to lose weight fast, try increasing your steps from 2000 to 3000 in steps deer day the number of steps each day as well as we do all the sports that the best exercise to lose weight fast, most importantly, enjoy every workout of your life.

your personality and lifestyle to help you choose the best exercise to lose weight quickly for you.

Joining a gym is a good choice for the best exercise to lose weight fast beyond your meeting with the same person on a diet, and produce Frese your mind, choose a nice place for you, health club offers a variety of programs and classes ranging from belly dancing courses, Tae-Bo, yoga, etc. You can also try joining a sports team at school or at work.

Or you want to reduce weight at home, you can buy the video exercise you can do at home, or you can buy sports equipment that can be used inside the house, but there are a lot of Other exercises you can do that are useful for the best exercise for rapid weight loss.

The key in managing the exercises are carried out with a happy life, or choose the type of exercise you enjoy so you will not get bored in the past the best exercise to lose weight fast where you live.

Check out my guide for other security Weight Loss Plan

Nice Holiday Hairstyles

Nice holiday hairstyles

Get the perfect hairstyle for the ball for students

Want to look fabulous ball in the students'? You want to congratulate everyone for students during the time the ball? Would you like to be the most beautiful girl in a ball of students, a good ball? In this case, you can ensure that good that is done for students is a big ball, and that all the elements look well together.

This element is the hair. If you do not believe that you get, you do not worry, there's always time to appear outside of a complete model of the hair will take the ball for the students.

Put your hair up and create an elegant updo ball students. Too many young girls and women the most elegant updo hairstyle, and when he carries your style more elegant ball for you or your students? Choose an updo, which returns you to think big - pick an updo that works with your face and your equipment.

You can be a simple Updo Hair (updos as disappear), or a very complex and require. Of course, you will hit if you choose. You can create complex and took the ball hairstyle Updo students, you can also put your decorations ball elegant Updo students - Nice pins, rods, sequins, and other recreational things. Many girls want to be Updo hair ball in their students, which glances, and if it is right for you.

- Reduce your long hair. Many girls have very beautiful hair, beautiful hair and could not be overestimated in an updo. If it is with your hair, you should plan to keep your hair on the ball for long learners.

Beautiful long hair feel great in your gown ball students - only a couple of bars flickered a color match the dress, and all have a place.

Reduce your long hair. Many girls have very beautiful hair, beautiful hair and could not be overestimated in an updo. If it is with your hair, you should plan to keep your hair on the ball for long learners.

Beautiful long hair feel great in your gown ball students - only a couple of bars flickered a color match the dress, and all have a place

Top 10 Skin Care Tips

Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for beauty enhancement. This article on skin care tips is an effort, the 10 best skin care tips to get you. The list of skin care advice is limited to 10 because anything more that would not only be hard to remember, but the shadow of the most important skin care tips. So let's see what these top ten skin care tips:

* 1 if you know your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip. This is important because not every skin care product suits everyone. In fact, give all skin care products is a type of skin are also responsible.

2 * Drink plenty of water. It will keep your skin moist, but generally will maintain your health (and to help transform your skin). This can be uncomfortable for some, but is an extreme important skin care.

* 3 to clean the skin regularly (1-2 times a day). A very effective skin care tip that helps to get rid of dirt and other heavy elements in the skin. Cleaning is particularly important if you have been away from my house (and hence exposed to pollutants, dust, etc..) This skin care tip also supports the use of hot water for cleansing (hot and cold water, damage the skin) 4 * Be gentle, after all his skin. Do not rub / too hard or too often peeling. Also, do not ask too much or too many skin care products. A must follow the advice for skin care.

5 * Keep your skin moist at all times. This is one of the most important skin care tips. Do not let your skin becomes dry. The drought caused to break the outer layer of the skin, resulting in a rough and unsightly. Use moisturisers / emollients. Emollients work best when applied while the skin is still damp.

* Avoid using soap on your face 6. Soap should only be used under the neck. A small but important skin care tips.

7 * Use sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful UV sun protection. You can care products that have accumulated in their sunscreen. Use them well covered. UV radiation is known to cause skin cancer, so follow this skin care tip without fail.

* 8 A little exercise and good sleep is essential not only for skin care but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to the formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise, your skin can cause lameness. In addition, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. Thus, not only an advanced skin care is a health tip.

9 * Treat skin problems with care. This skin care tip is to ignore some skin problems. Tell your dermatologist before you go to use skin care products (so as not to damage the skin even at the end).

10 * Beat the stress. Negative effects of stress are known to everyone, but sometimes too banal is essential (and thus this skin care tip found its place here). Yes, stress damage the skin. So, a break or indulge in a warm bubble bath or just a good sleep.

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